We are excited to announce a new version of NetVault Bare Metal Recovery (VaultDR) 10.5, which is now ready for download.
Look What's New:
- Updated BMR offline components to use GigaOS Linux v6.5; this improves Linux device driver support including Dell PowerVault TL1000
- Added NFS-Utils to GigaOS
- Upgraded to Storix v8.2.3 to address several Online Linux Client customer-known issues
- Security vulnerability fixes for Shellshock-Bash and GHOST-CVE-2015-0235
Be sure to also check out the NetVault Bare Metal Recovery (VaultDR) 10.5 Product
Support page for specific information such as solution articles, tips and tricks, tutorials,
documentation, notifications, lifecycle tables, and training and certification information.
While you're there, be sure to also check out the NetVault Bare Metal Recovery (VaultDR) 10.5
Technical Support Community Forum to find helpful resources and connect with other community members.